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JOIN US! Become an AFATS member or update your information by completing the form below. Membership dues will be billed in a separate invoice through FreshBooks.

ALREADY SUBMITTED A REQUEST? If you have submitted a membership request, it has been received and you will receive an invoice from FreshBooks by the end of the day on Sunday. There is no need to submit multiple entries. Thanks for your patience.

AUTO BILLING: Please be aware that AFATS discontinued its used of auto billing through PayPal in 2019. If you have been auto charged by PayPal for AFATS dues, you must manually cancel any future payments through your account. AFATS is not able to do this for you. As we have switched all invoices to FreshBooks, any payments made other than through FreshBooks are not valid forms of membership dues. 
EMAIL ADDRESSES: Please use a civilian email address when registering, as most government email addresses will not permit attachments and links from unknown entities. In order to prevent issues with delivery of any invoices or virtual event links, we ask that you avoid using a government email address (.mil, .gov, etc.) when registering. If you have previously registered with such an email address and have had issues with any sent content, please send an email to to let us know a preferred updated email.

PLEASE NOTE: Certified members must be a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) in good standing with the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer (BOC) and fall into one of the listed member categories. Student members must currently be registered in an approved ATEP program or be a current BOC certified graduate student. Those in the Advisory, Allied, and Honorary categories do not require ATC credentialing but should have an interest in the athletic training profession and ties to the military. Membership requests will be vetted for the above requirements.

AFATS Annual Dues:
$25 per year, active member
$10 per year, student member

Renewal notices are sent in March
Branch Affiliation
Member Category

Mission complete!

Mission Statement
The mission of the Armed Forces Athletic Trainers' Society shall be to advance, encourage, and improve the profession of athletic training by developing the common interests of its membership in order to enhance the mission readiness of warfighters within the U.S. Armed Forces.

Vision Statement

To have athletic trainers recognized as the ultimate force multiplier within the U.S. military by delivering comprehensive warrior health care, enhancing readiness, and maximizing the physical and mental performance of our service members.
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